Monday, May 9, 2011


GENRE MEDICINE's  3rd post NEEND K AMEER is about types of sleep...there are two types of is Slow wave sleep and the other one Rapid eye movement sleep...the first one is called  dreamless or deep  sleep and the other one the REM sleep is highly associated with active dreaming and in this type the brain is highly active and the brain's  overall metabolism may be increased as much as 20 percent.The REM  or rapid eye movement sleep is also called paradoxical sleep because it is a paradox that a person can still be asleep despite marked activity in the brain.Sleep in general is very important for the proper functioning of the brain and for the vital activity of thought sleeping adequately is very important ...people who undergo prolonged forced wakefulness do suffer from sluggishness of thought and become irritable or even psychotic after forced wakefulness...
This post is specially dedicated to all who love to sleep a lot ,to those who sleep with open eyes in the lecture hall ,to those who believe in their dreams and  chase them...and to those who see this world or life from a different angle and most of the people fail to see the way they do and call them idiot or brainless....

I have explained both the types in  a rhyming fashion ..hope you guys would like here's some neurophysiology your way...

                                ' NEEND K AMEER'

Specially dedicated to all who are genuinely and originally 'neend k ameer'
Precisely and exactly speaking there are two types of sleep.

First one impeccably labelled as Slow Wave Sleep
And the second one with lucid dexterity Rapid Eye Movement or REM Sleep

Slow wave type is often dreamless ; occasionally it has dream views but never stored in memory center for recall use
REM sleep is the production house for unlimited vivid dreams ; the dreams of it are top favorites so memory center can't afford not to choose

Slow wave sleep is exceedingly restful and occurs during 1st hour of sleep when one's kept awake  for  so many hours a day
When people sleep after tiring hectic schedule all day;in Urdu language we simply call it 'sona ghorray  baych kay'

In it there are 10 to 30 percent decreases in blood pressure ,respiratory rate and basal metabolic rate
A person during deep or slow wave sleep can be aroused by sensory stimuli's external aid

In a normal night of sleep usually appear bouts  of REM sleep
Lasting 5 to 30 minutes on the average every 90 minutes of sleep

REM sleep is associated with active dreaming and irregular muscle movements
As its name indicates a person experiences rapid eye movements

During REM sleep heart and respiratory rate usually becomes irregular e.g when a teenager undergoes a nightmare about failing an exam
Opens up eyes in trepidation and thanks God for saving from 'amma abba kee daant'  super advance

Well talking about dreams inshALLAH one day research and exploration in the Muslim world would be once again common and  ' aam'
Like it was used to be a natural innate ability 10 centuries back in the Muslim 'awaam'

Dreams of  'khush'haal Pakistan' would convert into reality if every young adult or ' naujawaan'
Would work with super sincerity and pure devotion for the betterment of Pakistan